Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Big Issue when My First Year's High School

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

I will tell my story, a story that happened in my first year in high school, so have a nice read....

Long time ago when i was in high school, i had some bestfriends that i always played with. They were Lingga, Siti (called Cimot), Feby, Tiwi, Ernika, Ratu, and Devin. That time we decided to go to mall Bekasi Square to had some hangout. Not all of us brought a motorcycle, so that someone hadn't brought it, they went with a motorcycle for two. All had for pick a couple, and i was with Ernika. After all of us ready, we went to the mall.

The day after, in classroom there was a strange felt in me. Everybody looked at me and had wide smile and little laugh, I didn't know what happened, but it wasn't disturbing me. After the class was end, when the break time was in, some of my friends cognrats me. I asked them, "What was happen?", one of my friend answer, "Did you really had a relationship with Ernika? Good for you". I was shocked, "What? NO! why are you people thinked like that? who was telling you that?", "We knew from Afrizal, he saw you went out with Ernika by one motorcycle. It must be so romantic huh?".

Afrizal had start the war, he didn't know what was happened but he concluded all his seen. I know Ernika was a good girl, very good girl. Now Ernika study in Malang, but she never forgot us. We never gave anything to her but she was so kind to gave us a present, each of us. I got The Last Harry Potter Novel, and it was my favorite. I can't reply her big kindness, but in that time, i was in love with another girl, and i think that maybe Ernika knew who was my lover. Or maybe not.

That's my story, hope you enjoy it :)

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