Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Princess Killer

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello there ya dreamers! What was your dream last night? Did you know, we can remember the dream that just happen. But it was too short to remember, so when you still remember it, write it on something and if you want your dreams memorialized, don't be shy to share it to me and I'll post your dreams here.

Now a dream that I will post was dream from our Dreamer, Devin Priyo Sasongko. He had an unique dream that want to be shared to all people in the world. If you want to know who is our dreamer, come to check his G+ here. Now let's see his dream....

The dream began not so good, he remember that he had a friend-girl in Junior School. The girl wanted to held a reunion at her house. Then Devin gone with his another friend, but he didn't know who was he, so weird huh? ^^" They went to the reunion with a long long trip, even they must passed trough the dam.

When they arrived at the destination, Devin shocked by the place. It was a big castle in the middle of the woods. Even the castle in the middle of the woods, the castle's appearance was so modern and spacious. But the most shocked was obviously that all her friends that arrived was just two of them. So she take them to the balcony to wait for the others. When they already at the balcony, the view front of them was so beautiful. Not far below the balcony was a big wide fish pool, and Devin was wondering what was in there. When he stared in it, obviously there was A Big Mosasaurus! and a giant Catfish _-"

After a moment, this castle was full of they friends in Junior School, and dinner was begin. The menu there was so delicious and looks exspensive, and the dining room was kinda ***** (re:five stars) high class restaurant. All of this, it just like a dream... (even it was _-") The food was a menu from all around the world, you can eat all the food from another country that you never eat it before.

When Devin finished the dine, he looks to the kitchen. Who was behind all of this actually? Devin opened the door and there was full off chef, and the Head-Chef was...yeah seriously he was my close friend, Bagus (I will tell you later who is he ^^"). Devin talked to him, ask him why were your cook was so extremely delicious....

He had got lost with his friend that went with him here, but it's ok he thinks that maybe his friend met with another friends. Devin have a nice walk in a huge castle, he could go anywhere in it. But when he walk for awhile, he saw some misterious guys with the gun. They look so frightening on their faces. Devin thinks that they were a hitman, and he just remembered that father of the princess (it easily be spoken, since she lived in a castle ^^") was a big boss of a hitman and the castle was their Headquarter.

The hitman realize that they was seen by them (actually Devin thinked that he was alone, but his friend was just behind), they won't allowed them to leave alive. So they run fast and grab a weapon (don't know where it was) to escape, but they had a wrong way. They instead back to the balcony that was a dead end, Devin looks to the pool and saw that the pool was being washed and drained. Where Mosasaurus gone? Where they gonna go to escape? It was all end because Devin was wakeup.

Nice dream huh? you want your dreams memorialized here? Send your written dream to my G+ here

#NiceDream ..... Have a nice dream! ^.^

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