Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

Heart Breaker Technology Part 2

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello, nice to see you all the dreamer. Previous episode is a dream about The Technology named Heart Breaker, That device can cure the pain and even revive the dead. I know that thing is never exist, but who knows in the future there is a scientist that has that experiment.

This episode is continue from previous episode, because the dream that I had was little bit long. I don't know why was that dream like that, maybe my sleep was too tight. So don't wait for long, let's see the dream....

After the doctor was dead, my vision changed again, I was with some people climbing the hill. They were get lost there 'cause there already night and dark, there was no safe place. After looking so much long, there was an old church. They had no choice but stay at thet place, one of them knock the door. The door was opened by a nun, she and other live there to protect the church. This guys ask her to allow them to stay for a night, the nun allowed them with pleasure. 

Without any suspicious, they accpeted to stay in an empty room for a night. The day had come, one of the guys had wake up, but when he wanted to get out the door was locked. he was waking others up, they have to escape. He found a window so he ask the other to destroy it and leave, they already at main hall of church. But they weren't alone, all the nuns realize this gonna be happen. The nun never let them to escape.

One of the nun press a button and the floors under the guys was slipped down and they got stuck in there. The slime came out from the floor and they lost their conscious. Evereybody had wake up, and they back to the room that they had been locked up. They wanted to escape again, but they had to thinking again what should they do. They found a solution, they had to make a metal masker. They knew that the got conscious because a gas not a touch of a slime.

This metal masker had 2 layers, outter layer had a function to pull the oxygen and the inner layer had a function to filter the oxygen and held a gas except the oxygen. This masker good on filter the air and trash out another gas that bad. Packed with a metal design, it can protect the face from danger.

Back to escape, they run to the escape way before. Absolutely the nun had waited them. Butten pressed again and the floor back to slipped down and slime came. Because the wear a masker, theyy didn't got conscious again. They got up and continue the escape and leave away the old church forever, and I got up from sleep.

Nice dream huh? you want your dreams memorialized here? Send your written dream to my G+ here

#NiceDream ..... Have a nice dream! ^.^

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