Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

The Moon and The Star Stare The Sky

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

I will share a story, so enjoy!
The moon and the star were traveling with other friends, they go to higher place to look for beautiful scenery. the journey long enough to have time to joking and tell stories.

The moon has long maintained a feeling in love on the star, the stars may knows about it. But the moon does not wanted to make it a girlfriend, because the moon separated by a distance to star.

On the trip, the the moon kept pay attention to the star was with other friends, These opportunity that could only done when the the moon is close to the star. so far, the moon could only see the star from a distance. Suddenly star looked back at the moon and smiled, the moon happy and smiled back.

They arrived at their destination, at a hill which was spacious and comfortable. They split up into the hill side of their favorite, but the moon in the distance followed the star with her friends. He saw the star split with other friends, unexpectedly there was another the moon approaching the stars and they both look familiar. The moon actually know who approaching was star, the moon has long been pay attention to that the star is close to the other moon.

The moon approaching the two of them were standing staring at the sky, the two of them see the moon approached. Star smile, but the moon it was only silent. They both came back looking at the sky, but the moon sat staring at the two of them. Without any chats three of them pay attention to something, something they admired.

The two of them turned back look at the moon and smiled, and then the two of them leave the moon all alone. The moon stood and looked at the two of them away to leave.

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